Supported Return To School Program

Green Square

Telephone02 9310 2461

Information for families

The information contained in the Supported Return To School brochure outlines the services available to high school students. 

High school brochure

Access to this program is made through your child's school principal.

Download, view and print High School brochure (PDF 8.6MB).

Primary school brochure 

The information contained in the Supported Return To School brochure outlines the services available for primary school students. Access to this program is made through your child's school principal. 

Download, view and print Primary School brochure (PDF 9MB).

The websites below are useful sites for parents and carers.

The sites contain many current and well researched strategies to assist with parenting their child through schooling.

School A to Z

This user friendly schoolatoz website crosses K-12 and includes subjects such as homework & study, technology, wellbeing and school guide which also includes the dates for the NSW school year.

Download parents app, to access information on parenting from the DEC website. The apps are for use with iphone, ipad, android and tablet.


Headspace website features the range of services availabe to support young people, their families and school in addressing adolescent health issues especially in the area of mental health. The service caters for those between the ages of 12 to 25 years.

Headspace has centres at Marrickville (tel: 02 8399 1005) and Camperdown (tel: 02 9114 4100).


eheadspace website provides an online counselling service for young people.

Supporting your child's career development

Download and view career development (PDF 337KB).