Supported Return To School Program

Green Square

Telephone02 9310 2461

Information for primary

The Supported Return To School Program K-6 is a Department of Education and Communities initiative to support the successful return to school of students on long suspension. 

It is aimed at students who are suspended for disruptive behaviour. 

Download parent and carers information brochure (PDF 8.27MB)

What is the rationale behind this program?    

The program assists the school put in place structures to facilitate a successful return to school for the student during their absence.

The rationale for this program is that suspension from primary school is a significant event and provides an opportunity for all involved to develop appropriate strategies to manage issues of concern.  It allows for the investigation of support and change necessary for a successful return to school.

What type of support does the program provide?

The SRSP provides consultancy support to assist primary schools to address issues related to long suspensions.

The school will nominate a teacher from the learning support team to coordinate and assist in the development of an individual support plan to ensure a successful return to school. The SRSP Head Teacher welfare will work together with the nominated teacher and relevant school staff as a consultant and advise on issues related to long suspension.

What are the benefits?

The student returning from long suspension will receive support with:

  • reintegrating back to school successfully.
  • developing skills to manage their own behaviour.
  • an individualised plan for returning to school.
  • school-based structures to assist a successful return.  
  • programs to help with understanding their behaviour and its impact on the school.
  • study, planning and work habits.                                  

How does a school apply?  

All support is allocated through the SRSP Management Committee.

The first step in the application is for your school principal to contact the primary principal representative from the SRSP Management Committee for Green Square. 

Ruth Ling, Principal Marrickville West Primary School is the 2018 SRSP Green Square representative and can be contacted on 02 9558 1137.

When referring to the SRSP:

  • Parental or guardian's approval is required.
  • The Head Teacher SRSP will liaise with your school to offer consultancy support.
  • Support is allocated promptly once support is approved.