The Supported Return To School Program (SRSP) - Green Square.
The SRSP is a Department of Education and Communities initiative to support the successful return to schooling of students from Year 7 to Year 11.
Download the following files for information:
Referral Form (PDF)
The program operates from 237 Botany Road Waterloo, in the cottage on the grounds of Green Square School. The centre is easily accessed by car or public transport.
Visit transport information website for public transport information.
Hours of operation
Students attend the SRSP between 9am and 11.30am. The length of student attendance will vary according to the length of the suspension and willingness to participate in the program.
The length of stay at the centre will be no longer than 20 days, in accordance with suspension regulations.
The program
The Head Teacher SRSP coordinating the program will aim to develop an individual plan for each student accepted into the program. The goals set will depend on the specific issues facing the student.
The Head Teacher will assist the school, when appropriate, to develop an individual return to school plan for the student. In general, the program will assist to prepare the student for returning to school and plan for longer-term positive behaviour.
No Annual Reports are available.